Blog Archives

God Is Closer Than You Think

In this six-session group Bible study, John Ortberg helps you to discover and enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with God the Father. Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life.

1. God’s Great Desire for People
2. Where is God in My World?
3. Partnering with God Today
4. Listening to the Voice of God
5. God Wants a Relationship with You
6. Heaven Breaking Through

Hiding His Word Part One

That which is truly in your heart is always available to be used. If we fill our heart with God's Word then we don't have room for Satan's business.

  • April 29, 2020

Three Voices Course

At any given time there are three voices that speak to us. We know that one is God, but who are the other two and how do they influence us?

  • April 29, 2020